Lindsay Girvan creates a shepherd’s wardrobe to be worn, used, enjoyed, cherished, and to provide warmth and a sense of well-being by the wearer.

LG is a shepherd’s wardrobe made entirely on Bonnytoun Farm in Scotland from a flock of Shetland sheep.

  • Made at Lindsay’s atelier on Bonnytoun Farm.

  • Made from sheep raised and grazed with high standards on the farm. 

  • Wool spun in Scotland at a UNESCO world heritage site.

  • Designed consciously using only the natural colours of the wool.

  • Made without dyeing or cutting corners.

  • Each piece made by hand.

  • Farm to closet. 

LG works with the natural wool from pedigree Shetland sheep from Bonnytoun Farm. These special sheep are a small and hardy breed of sheep that originated in the Shetland Islands. These sheep are well-adapted to the harsh and challenging conditions of their native environment, and they possess several distinct characteristics that make them unique. 

Size: Shetland sheep are considered a small breed. Their compact size allows them to navigate and thrive in the rugged landscapes of the Shetland Islands. 

Wool: One of the most notable features of Shetland sheep is their fine wool, which is highly valued for its softness and variety of natural colours. The fleece is composed of both an undercoat (thel) and an outer coat (tog), providing warmth and insulation. The wool is often used for knitting, spinning, and weaving, and it is known for its versatility and ability to take dyes well.

Colours: Shetland sheep come in a wide range of colours (11 varieties), including white, black, grey, brown, and various shades in between.

Adaptability: Shetland sheep are known for their adaptability to different environments. Their ability to graze on rough terrain and withstand challenging weather conditions makes them well-suited to a range of climates. 

Hardiness: These sheep are hardy and resilient, with a strong ability to forage for food in less-than-ideal conditions. Their resistance to diseases and parasites further contributes to their overall hardiness, making them a relatively low-maintenance breed for farmers. They are naturally maternal and lamb in the field.

Dual-Purpose: Shetland sheep are considered a dual-purpose breed, meaning they are valuable for both meat and wool production.

Temperament: Shetland sheep are known for their friendly and docile temperament.