Colours: Shetland sheep come in a wide range of colours (11 varieties), including white, black, grey, brown, and various shades in between.
Adaptability: Shetland sheep are known for their adaptability to different environments. Their ability to graze on rough terrain and withstand challenging weather conditions makes them well-suited to a range of climates.
Hardiness: These sheep are hardy and resilient, with a strong ability to forage for food in less-than-ideal conditions. Their resistance to diseases and parasites further contributes to their overall hardiness, making them a relatively low-maintenance breed for farmers. They are naturally maternal and lamb in the field.
Dual-Purpose: Shetland sheep are considered a dual-purpose breed, meaning they are valuable for both meat and wool production.
Temperament: Shetland sheep are known for their friendly and docile temperament.